Do YOU have the courage? Do you?
“You gotta have the courage. Do you have the courage to act outwardly on what you see inwardly or will you die a dreamer?

If you don’t want to make waves be mediocre, be normal and fit in. Dress like them, walk like them, act like them, eat like them, go where they go, think like they think, do what they do and once you’ve neutralised your uniqueness you don’t need courage. It takes courage to be different, it takes courage to go where you’ve never gone before. It takes courage to be successful, it takes courage to keep standing even when the storm keeps raging…… this reality TV world we live in today is there anybody left that’s got the courage to say I don’t want to just fit in with normalcy. I have the courage to go after my dream”
(Adapted from TD Jakes)